So I went for my 37 week appointment on 03/24/2010. Everything is going just great with the baby. The docotor was measuring me and checking the heartbeat and I asked her if she thought the baby was head down already. She said yes I think so but you are meauring at 41 weeks so lets just get an ultrasound to make sure and see how big the baby is. The heart beat was 140 this time. Before I went to ultrasound she examined me and I am dilated 1 CM...whooo hooo. there is some progress going on.. Not much but a little that is all I wanted was something going on. So, I went to ultrasound and boy is this little baby squeezed in there. You could barley tell anything about her she is so squeezed in there. The baby was measuring at 37 weeks and 5 days and they estimated her weight to be 7 pounds and 5 ounces. A lot smaller than I was thinking. The doctor said that the baby should gain about 1/2 a pound a week until she is born so if I go to full term then we are talking about a 9 pounder on our hands. I sure do hope she dosent get that big. That dosen't sound fun at all to deliver. The doctor also said that if I have progressed more by 39 weeks then she would let me induce if not then I have to go until I progress but she did promise me that she would not let me go over 41 weeks. I go back to the doctor for my 38 week visit on 03/31/2010. Say a little prayer that things are moving along good and we have some progression.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Work Baby Shower
My office gave me a baby shower. It was so much fun. They did a great job planning it. It was just perfect. I was impressed...I am so very thankful for everyone at my office. They are a great group of people to work with!!!!
box of toys!!
Everyone at the office went in a got me a gift card to Babies R Us...So very thankful for this!!!!
some onsies and Rylee got her very own blankie!
Posted by
Robertson Family
6:00 PM
Thursday, March 25, 2010
36 week check-up
Well my 36 week check up was anything but normal. I went to the doctor on 03/17/2010. The night before which was Tuesday I started coming down with something. I felt absolutley terrible. I had fever, chills, and nausea. It was awful. Not fun to feel like that when you are 9 months pregnant. I was already scheduled for my appointment the next day...Thank goodness. I did't feel like driving so I got my sister-n-law to take me to the docotr. My niece Amber came along for the ride also. So we get to the doctor and I go back and do my usual routine. The doctor comes in and don't look so good today..ha..nope I sure didn't I felt like I had been run over. So we talked about what was going on and she determined that I was dehydrated and had a kidney infection. The tested me for the flu but it came back negative. This was also the day of my first check to see if I had dilated. Boy was that progress on this check up. So for the dehydration and kidney infection I had to go down to labor and delivery and get IV fluids and IV antibiotis. They also gave me something for the nausea. I felt much better after I got all the fluids. So they sent me home. I was off work the rest of that day and the next day. By Saturday I was feeling back to normal. I don't wish that on anyone and I am so glad that is past me now. I go back to see her in a week which is 03/24/2010. Hopefully there will be some progress.
Posted by
Robertson Family
8:35 AM
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Pickens County Baby Shower
Opening presents
Me and the host, Meredith and Angela...These are friends of mine from High School
WOW at the thankful
cute and very yummy cake
Posted by
Robertson Family
10:13 AM
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Tuscaloosa Baby Shower
Great Aunt Donna, Great grandmother, me, Great grandmother K-K, Sissa, and Great Aunt Nancy
Amber, me, Aunt Kim, and Autumn
Heather, Me and sweet host
me and all the yummy food
Jennifer and Heather made me this wreath for me to use at the hospital
initial cookies
my adorable cake
Posted by
Robertson Family
9:00 PM
Thursday, March 11, 2010
33 and 35 week Doctors visit
Ok. So I am a little behind. I went for my 33 week check up on Feb 23, 2010. Nothing really happened that was excititng. I didn't gain any weight which was great. I figured that I would get in trouble for not gaining anything but nothing was said about my weight. The heart beat was in the 140's so everything with baby is going good. I was measuring right on schedule. So I was to return in 2 weeks for my 35 week recheck. I went for that visit the other day which was March 9, 2010. This time I gained one pound. I was really worried now that something was going on as to why I have not gained any weight. I asked the doctor and she said that I would be fine as long as the baby was growing and moving. She measured me and baby is growing just like it is supposed to and she is moving around ALL the time. This visit was my last 2 week appointment and I am not starting my 1 week appointments. I go back on March 17, 2010 and they will start checking me...not sure I am looking forward to those visit. I did ask the doctor if she thought that the baby was already head down and she said she could guess but it is best to wait until they examine you so next week they will be able to tell me more as to if she is head down or not. Lets just hope she is. I really don't want to have to have a C-Section. The babies heartbeat was 142 this time and she is measuring right at 35 weeks so all is good. I will update again next week!!! It sure is getting close I can't wait to meet little Ms. Rylee Kay!!
Posted by
Robertson Family
10:31 AM