Thursday, April 29, 2010
Me and my Grammy/MiMi/Nana
Posted by
Robertson Family
2:56 PM
Monday, April 26, 2010
Posted by
Robertson Family
10:44 AM
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Going Home!!!
Posted by
Robertson Family
10:48 PM
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
All my visitors....
Posted by
Robertson Family
8:08 AM
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Introducing Rylee Kay Robertson
Mommy, Daddy, and Rylee...finally a family!!!
Taking her to meet everyone else
what a chunk...
Posted by
Robertson Family
5:41 PM
Friday, April 16, 2010
Getting ready to meet Rylee
Posted by
Robertson Family
1:29 PM
Friday, April 2, 2010
38 week check up...
So. I went for my 38 week appointment on 03/31/2010. I was sooo hoping for some progress to be taking place. First of all of course they weighed me and good gracious I am up to a total of 30 pounds now...YIKES!! The doctor says that is right where I need to be. I sure hope I can get all of this weight off. So I sit and wait for the doctor. She comes in the room and we are talking and she says do you want to be induced. I said heck yeah the sooner the better. She did explain that she did not want to induce me if there was no progress going on. So we got the heartbeat and it was 156 this time. She measured me and didnt tell me what I was measuring so I am not sure on that part. So then she said lets examine you and see if anything is going on. I was 1 cm dilated at my 37 week appointment. She was examining me and said are 3 cm dilated and your cervix is thined out. She said we will induce you next Wednesday (April 7th). She also said that she did not think I would make it until then but they could not induce me sooner than 39 weeks...boooh. I wanted her to say lets just go on downstairs and we will induce you today but heck no...She did make the comment that she thinks the baby is going to be big so that was some great news. I am still hanging in there. I have not been having any contractions that I am aware of. I do have back pains everynow and then which could be contractions I guess but I really think that little Miss Rylee likes it in my tummy and we will not get to meet her until April 7th. That is ok though I have waited this long what is 5 more days. We are sooo excited and can not wait to meet her. April 7th is the day after my birthday and also Jenna's Birthday so her and her best friend are going to have the same carzy is that. Well anyways...I hope to get pictures up soon after she is born so until then I hope everyone has a HAPPY EASTER!!!
Posted by
Robertson Family
4:34 PM