This is the sweet little face.
This was would be the arm..

The little leg.
I got lucky today and got to get an ultrasound. I was not scheduled to get one today but the doctor could not find the heartbeat on the doppler today (pretty scary). Thank goodness I was already kinda prepared for this to happen. The doctor told me it is hard to find the heartbeat on the doppler at this visit so I was kinda ready for this. So I went to ultrasound they found the heartbeat pretty quick so that was some relief and it was 150 bpm...Anyways...Everything is going good with the baby. I still have been feeling great...I gained 4 pounds since my last visit..not sure if this is good or not but I guess it isnt bad..I didn't get in trouble...haha...I go back to the doctor in 4 weeks and we get to find out what this little baby is. I have been thinking the entire time that it is a girl but for some reason when they did the ultrasound today I had a feeling that it is a boy. I am just ready for this waiting to be over and I will know for sure. Hopefully little baby will cooperate with us next time so we can find out.