Well we can stand up now. Buddy is really starting to stand up more now and bark a whole lot more. He can not stand it when we let the other dogs outside and he dosent get to go. That really makes him mad. I really think he is ready to get out of the cage now but he still has at least another week and half before he can get out. We are making great progress!!!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
3 weeks down---3 to go!!!
Posted by
Robertson Family
6:30 PM
Sunday, January 20, 2008
We got SNOW!!!!
Blu chasing the neighbors dog
Audrey looking at me like what is all this white stuff!!
This would be SAM asleep in the recliner
Molly checking out the snow
All the dogs playing
Can you believe it actually snowed. It didnt last long but we got some snow. The dogs just loved it. I tried to get some pics of them but they would not quit running around long enough for me to take any good ones!!!
Posted by
Robertson Family
11:21 PM
Week 2 Completed
Well Buddy is doing better than expected. He can now stand up. We never thought he would do this good but he is doing GREAT. He stands up just for a minute and can take a few steps and then he sits back down. Now comes the hard part though because now he is feeling better and wants to be with the other dogs and it just kills him to see them walking around and playing and he cant but he still has 4 more weeks in the cage. Hopefully he can get out before then but we will have to see.....
Posted by
Robertson Family
11:18 PM
Sunday, January 13, 2008
1 week after
Well we have made it though 1 week. It has been a long week but we made it. It started out kinda hard taking care of him because we really didnt want to hurt him because any kind of movement at first really hurt him bad. He would just start to cry if you moved him at all. We finally got the hang of it and it is becoming more easy every day. Buddy is doing much better now after a week. He is now sitting up as you can see in the picture above, which is much better than what he was doing like in the bottom picture. Actually today he tried to stand up while we were with him but we had to stop him because we are not supposed to let him do ANYTHING for at least 4 weeks. So anyways, I think we have progressed good this week, much better than I thought he would. Hopefully it will just get better and better each week....
Posted by
Robertson Family
9:09 PM
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Well as some of you may know. Our dog Buddy got ran over by a car this past Sunday. It was soo sad. I just knew he wasnt going to make it. The man that hit the him came and rang our door bell and let us know that he hit him. So Richie and his brother Jimmy took Buddy to an emergancy vet where they had to give him IV fluids and oxygen to get him calmed down because he was in shock from the hit. The vet told us that she just thought that it was a pelvic fracture and she wanted to do some xrays just to be sure that was all. So we left Buddy at the vet and the vet called us that night and told us that he had a fractured pelvis in two places and some bad brusing on his lungs but he should be able to heal ok on his on. So that was a relief. But, now the journey begins. We have had him home now since Monday and he is doing pretty good. It hurts him to move a lot but he is eating good and has good spirits we think. He has got to stay crate confined for 4-6 weeks so that is going to really tough once he starts to feel better. So just keep us in your prayers because this is a very big task for us to take on but we know we can do it. I will keep you updated on how he is....
Posted by
Robertson Family
6:44 AM
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Christmas with the Robertsons at our house
Our Christmas Tree
Autumn giving out the christmas presents
Autumn with her new webkins
Dale opening his presents
Audrey with her pretty smile
Blu= He played Santa and he was really tired
Jimmy and Autumn
Our big present which was a new light for our dining room
Posted by
Robertson Family
7:33 PM
Christmans @ Abby's (Richie's Cousins)
We had Christmas and Richie's Cousins house. We had a really good time. It is always good to get together with them. We ate chili and played dirty santa. It was lots of fun.
Posted by
Robertson Family
7:22 PM
Christmas @ KK and POPs
Posted by
Robertson Family
7:15 PM